Friday, 02 February 2007


So who out there enjoys going to the dentist? I thought i did, untill this past week when i went for a teeth cleaning. I realised that as a younger child i was more tolerable and that going to the orthodontist back then was not so bad and i kind of got used to the monthly visits and could stick it no problem but i also figured that if i had too do it now i would cringe quite a bit more! the sound of that cleaning teeth scraping thingy is enough to irritate me, it never hurt so much rather the noise messed me up it was eerie maybe im getting softer as i get older lol. But anyway the dentist i went too is a nice local guy whom i see in the mosque evryday for salaat, now his youngish so as well as fittng in with the old balies he also has cool vibe with the younger guys namely us. This is why i decided to go to him for my teeth cleaning. Lol who would have thought that he could be so menacing in his practice! Don't get me wrong he was just as friendly when i went to see him ,however there was just something about him while i was there that made me think twice! Then i saw him at mosque that same evening again and he was back to normal. While i was on his bench i wondered if i would have been better off going to someone i don't know personally?Perhaps that was the pain talking...


safiyyamk said...

dentists arent that i love their tools.. i wouldve been a dentist had they offered it in dbn but anyways... orthodontist hmmmm someone used to wear railways tracts in their mouth :)

safiyyamk said...

p.s u spelt my name wrong :)

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

every time i smell Caroline Herrera 212, i'm taken straight back to the dentists chair and the orchestra in my mouth.

bb_aisha said...

Saals,i love carolina herrera 212!one of my closest frnds is a dentist.i jst think lookin into othr ppls mouths is icky.i tease her she has sadistic tendencies.i dnt kno if i'd go to her sis went to male dentist frnd of mine-said he was fine.alham,iv neva found it painful.xcept once,in nix-the dentist wasnt around,i needed an emergncy xtractn n the local doc practicly tortured me!

r said...

Trust you to bring back the fear.. im goin on thursday to remove my wisdom tooth (OMG thats TOMORROW!) ugh.. i hate dentists, mummy still comes in with me. LoL. and yea.. i love 212 as well! why on earth does it remind you of the dentist??

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

coz that's the scent my dentist wore.

mazozo said...

Hello ppl im doin this from my phone so dunno how its gonna work yes i was a train tracks wen i was younger lol but hey now i got perfect set of strait teeth an i happy!Sorry safia will spell beta next time!Or an saals wen last went dentist?Bi bi it just struck me that woman take pain beta den men ul release more endorphins then we do i take it thats y u ppl don fear him so much!R!U still go wid mum oh my word...

mazozo said...

Hello ppl im doin this from my phone so dunno how its gonna work yes i was a train tracks wen i was younger lol but hey now i got perfect set of strait teeth an i happy!Sorry safia will spell beta next time!Or an saals wen last went dentist?Bi bi it just struck me that woman take pain beta den men ul release more endorphins then we do i take it thats y u ppl don fear him so much!R!U still go wid mum oh my word...

rah* said...

Thank you maz... we heard you kiddo...the first time :)

hmmm dentists, I like. Actually kinda dig that numb feeling and the grinding and the drilling and the suction thing is awwwwesome. Always think of alien abductions when I'm in that chair.

safiyyamk said...

its ok mazozo, i also had train tracks for a year!!! its wasnt like my teeth was crooked or anything i just pushed my jaw a bit back- yeah like prob 2cm!

its weird wat mall tiny drill can do... i just hated it when they drill something and there this sour taste and dryness in your mouth!!

And its SAFIYYA :)

mazozo said...

Oh sigh i give up safiyya Lol il try harder next time lol Oh and btw Queen your right although i have nver wanted to be abducted for same reasons I aleays had this fear that thier watching me tho

And waiting...

S said...

I always want to laugh at the dentists. Its so funny - you lying there with your mouth open, while the dentist works ernestly in it..Its hilarious. In fact I even wrote a story about it- i'll post it up soon.

qdee said...

my dentist looks like ben stiller :)
and he gets this sadistic look in his eyes...anyway, i'd rather have a tooth filled than a cleaning. there's something about a cleaning that makes me feel like they're eroding my teeth and they're enjoying it.