Thursday, 01 February 2007


Fights you gotta hate them! But they pop out of everywhere and at the least oppertune moments.Why do they occur then? I guess it's usually when emotions are stirred and peoples feelings come into play.I guess i have to apologise to someone tommorrow and thrash out everything. But u know this is a time where i appreciate the prophets advice, and that is never go to sleep without resloving an argument. Especially since i can't sleep after fight! I just hope i'll be able to clear everything up.I guess while i am mostly to blame for my current predicament i can also say that im not wholly at fault!However for the sake of sanity i will probably have to admit otherwise...Anyways enough about my rantings you people tell me about some of the worst fights yo'll have had and what happen in the end

1 comment:

r said...

i rest my case hun..