Saturday, 02 December 2006

Dear Santa

The Chinese way :-

Aaah Saanta Son, you bling much plesents. Velly much thenk you. China
very biig place & you fly leindeer all over. When you come down shimney
this year we leave flied lice on table for you, santa son. For plesent
this year, You santa, can bling sem ting you blinging last year. Aaaah
So, Now You Know. Thenk You The Indian Way:-

Vanakum Santa. Ayor, you so kind for bringing lovely presents uncle.
This year vee hoping you bring Dee Vee Dee. Aya nava watch khabi khushi,
thats why vee vant Dee Vee Dee player. Southrie is so spitefull,
evrrrrrry time you vant to borrow the video machine they say Naw, when
Boya come haum he vant to vatch one latest release. Bamanies. Please
Santa aya is so old now, dono if she vill see christmas but please bring
Dee vee Dee, Veel show that southrie & boya. Aurite then.
The Coloured Way:-

Santa.... what kind my o`.Check here exe , that arra present you brought
last year was hundreds,but this year you must rakvol & bring the ouens
levi`s and sebago`s. Al , what kind bra we need the nuwe kleres to slaan
4 da jol and da Chriza`s. You make out my outie. Shot bra. Any way we'll
dalla a straight & a braai for you my outie....make u lakka doozoo for
the the ride back to the mums ....hahaha ....or if u smaak we can dalla
a lukka chup of the mums (Mrs.Clause)....u make out !!!!!!
The African Way:-

Heita Santa, Sometimes I'm Thiiiiinking what i'm wanting thiiis kismus.

iiif I'm not having tekey for putting in oven i'm going to be eating
shicken & cheeps again. Aibo santa i'm tyreed of that. Can you plees be
bringing me some turk to eeet. Me being so thankfuuul if you can be
doooing that for myself. Yabong baba.

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