Thursday, 15 March 2007

Ode To My Love

I pull you out gently and my eyes light up in anticipation

I stroke you lovingly and feel the smooth texture of you

I caress your creases out lovingly an tap u gently on your head...

I bring you up slowly, savouring every stolen moment,

and as you draw close to my lips my brain begins to fire every neutron.

I press you to my lips...drawing in breath deeply the heat builds.

as u begin to burn in pleasure you crackle softly as i take you in.

And so it goes each deep breath bringing me more and more pleasure.

Finally i take all of you in and remove your head from my lips.

I toss you aside satisfied

I love you.....

My cigarette! ;-)


r said...

*r covers her red tinged face in her hands*

r said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nabila said...

uugg yukky.. smellie ciggies..liked it better when I thought it was a person

safiyyamk said...

what a waste!!!

ZK said...

lol gud stuf but stop smoking now its no fun kissing stinky breaths

taz said...

it cant really mean that much to you, right...

i dont like smokers...

r said...

Taz.. Trust me it does.


mazozo said...

Lol an now r y the blush? LOL

Well it was close enough to my heart to write about lol So yeah good stuff

Hmm t.a.z. sometimes i get the distinct impression that you just dont like me! ;-)

M Junaid said...

cigarette smokers should be burnt on a stake - down with free will !

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of lollipops...O_o

taz said...

grr... what do i need to do to convince you otherwise?

mazozo said...

Lol mj dude while u burning me at the stake can i hav a cigarette as i go? Lol an taz well just tel me otherwise an il believe but im a bit paranoid hehe

taz said...

we'll sort this out when i see you

r said...

taz the dude has a "nobody loves me" complex. bear with him..

rah* said...

dude... you had me thinking your testosterone levels are pretty high until " every neuron" and then I knew, you were discussing potentially higher order beings :P

mazozo said...

Lol Queen Are the two not inter related?

Ay r an taz its true! No one does love me :-(