Friday, 20 April 2007

Just Friends and "Just Friends"

Ever Heard that phrase? Im sure in day to day dealings with people we have all heard it at one time or another. Now i know that people ,by nature,are generally curious beings but sometimes i think, especially in our community, that we are a little too curious for our own good.

Case in point. As a muslim guy the minute I spend the significant part of an afternoon talking to a girl alone i am immedaitley interrogated by friends and acquintances even whether there is something going on between the two of us!Everything is not as it seems people and appearances are deceiving. As a whole its mostly muslim people! What especially annoys me is the asking of questions later.

Friend: So who was that girl i saw you sitting with just now?

Me: No one, she's just a friend.

Friend: Oh yeah sure she is. You plotting her aren't you?

Me: Nooo she's just a friend!

At this point friend usually rolls eyes and smiles to him/herself (often accompanied by shaking of head). Now certainly its cool to know what going on in your friends life But People i would tell you'll if anything else was going on! Lol the phrase just friends means just that. Just friends! Oh you people of little faith sigh!

The whole assumption thing has got to stop because in the long run it causes alot of damage and unneccesary explaining o my part least of all on the girl's part. You know what they say about assumptions being the mother of all...



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hehehe...oh this has happened so many times to me.
but u know what's that after a while when ppl keep asking questions about someone that is your makes u think that u really do like them...and then u end up with them!

that's happened to me.


it's not funny dammit!

S said...

I guess in that way Fats, it make syou aware of something you were not aware of before. and brings attention to it.

rah* said...!

no comment :)

r said...

LoL. u watched th movie? And hey i see you'r taking my priceless advice. assumptions ARE th mother of all fuck ups ;)

qdee said...

lol, agree with fatima and dew hey, but sometimes you end up seeing things that arent even there and then you get upset when the friend gets a, but lets not get carried away Q ;)
yeah, assumptions make asses outa you and me. just let it be.

mazozo said...

Lol no i havin watched the movie yet hehe.An yes ur piece of advice is in there somewhere lol.Hmmm guys the whole point o dis is dat even wen der is nothing there to see ppl see it nways!Lol causes lots of problems!Hmmm but i guess it does make u tink wen dey ask.My tactic...Don think!

ZK said...

shame poor child and yah i would know lol JUST FRIENDS :)

My dartboard said...

i usually give them a crude reply. something along the lines of ... well you get the picture. WHEN you treat the inquisitive with no respect, they learn to shut it