Wednesday, 25 April 2007


Hmmm here at campus on of the many drives as most of you know is the need to satisfy hunger!And boy do i get hungry!

Now before in the past i used to loathe eating at campus and stuck to my trusted pie from the cafe.However this year i have discovered el dorado...

As many of you know by now, the former veg aunty has sold up too Uncle Cas and what was once only vegetarian cuisine is now both meat and vegetable! Now while veg aunties chips were good...Uncle Cas1s chips are better but however i digress.

Enter the golden Lamb. It's my regular order from Uncle Cas now and i think it should be NAMED after me!

One mutton burger with cheese and chips, All sauces and All salad Uncle Cas!THANK YOU

This burger is divine.Its warm,delicious,juicy,HUGE and most of all IT FILLS ME(ask my friends, they call me the human vacume, this is a hard thing to do...) LOL it is a heaven sent, Mana from the GODS!It is exactly what it says..A mutton burger with one huge ass patty, a healthy serving of chips in the burger and one good slice of cheese; all smothered in t-sauce,mayo,mustard and chilli sauce.All for R13

Now i usually reserve eating on campus for two occassions.It's either friday (special day come on) or cos i got up late and never had breakfast.However uncle cass's burgers have found me breaking the above mentioned rules on morer then one occasion!I blame my recent weight gain on these!But god ther soo good...I think last week i missed breakfast the entire week on purpose hehe.

It's official I'm addicted


M Junaid said...

respect - but swap the meat for chicken and youve got what uncle Cas has christened "the Junaid Special'

rah* said...

eh...I don't mind rabbit food, cos I don't like meat. Yes, ironic innit, the vampire who isn't a carnivore. But there's a serious lack of halaal stuff with us(there's village bakery pies for the last couple of years but read above).

I should ask Buzz to christen an idunnowhatiwant-cranberry cooler and salad roll(toasted) a queen_Lestat speacial.

I think I've had it NEARLY everyday since 2002.Yes maz, I'm THAT old :)

ZK said...

so thats why you getting a bit mmm chubby on the side lol ;)
you better eat and enjoy for me esp since i dnt eat sheep and cows lol

r said...

i finaLLY had th junaid special today. Damn i ate it at 1pm, sitting on shepstone stairs.. its now 11.32pm n im only starting to get peckish!

Mohamed Karolia said...

At wits we originally had a halaal steers so food was great now its not halaal and food is like scarce. Oly have like a sizzlers which is like mochachos. Now im hungry.

S said...

oooh try the dew special:
Ask Uncle Cas for the chips and cheese roti without mustard.

Every Wednesday with a naartjie energade. He keeps it ready for me.

Great post.

Tip: order it early so you dont have to wait.

Hasina Suliman said...

i've been procrastinating a midnite snack...
i should eat :P

tx for food motivation :P

taz said...

damn you. im hungry now. think i'll stroll down there just now... or should i eat the apple in my bag?
gonna be at campus till 6.30! this succckkks...

taz said...

i had chips...

My dartboard said...

envious. we dont have the luxury of many halaal outlets. but with my size GOD is blessing me

mazozo said...

Lol hmmm the food is good s eat i always believe that when you are hungry you should eat